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  2. Street lighting

MEZEI-VILL LIGHTING started a real revolution in the field of the development of energy-efficient street lighting systems. The first attack to replace commonly used light sources and luminaires is the STRIKE!

The STRIKE product range is proven to comply with all EU harmonized standardization requirements for LED street lighting luminaires. For this reason, our street lighting luminaires may be included in the licensed plan approved by the electricity provider.

Our newly developed product range, the BARRACUDA is also used for street lighting and the illumination of public spaces. It is an excellent representative of the old-fashioned, classical design.

STRIKE – Fast, smart, energy-saving


The STRIKE is the firstly envisioned product of MEZEI-VILL LIGHTING. The STIKE, which is equipped with the most modern technology available and provides quality lighting, is a luminaire especially designed for street lighting. Its greatest goal is to enhance energy-saving, to prevent light pollution and to achieve better visibility. Each member of the STRIKE range of luminaires is certified by ENEC – in compliance with the European standards.

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STRIKE – Fast, smart, energy-saving


The STRIKE is the firstly envisioned product of MEZEI-VILL LIGHTING. The STIKE, which is equipped with the most modern technology available and provides quality lighting, is a luminaire especially designed for street lighting. Its greatest goal is to enhance energy-saving, to prevent light pollution and to achieve better visibility. Each member of the STRIKE range of luminaires is certified by ENEC – in compliance with the European standards.

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BARRACUDA – Born to win


The Barracuda was created with the same objective as the STRIKE, except that its design is different from the previous luminaires having a “minimal design”. This lamp was inspired by the classical design of old-fashioned public lighting.

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NEW BARRACUDA – Győzelemre született


A New Barracuda ugyanazzal a céllal született meg, mint a régi Barracuda, azzal a különbséggel, hogy a formatervezése eltérő az eddigi stílushoz képest. A képviselt design bármilyen településnek lenyűgöző látványt ad a kitűnő közvilágítás mellett.

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FLY - A szabadság ereje


Napjaink legkorszerűbb technológiájával felszerelt és minőségi világítást nyújtó Fly lámpatest, teljes mértékben közvilágításra kifejlesztett lámpatest, mely legfőbb célja az energia megtakarítás növelése, a fényszennyezés megakadályozása, jobb látási viszonyok elérése mellett.

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A Beluga ugyanazzal a céllal született mint elődei - a Strike és Barracuda lámpatest családok. Formában más de minőségben ugyanazt a kíváló minőséget nyújtja mint elődei.

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